Astigmatism - all about eye disease. Effective treatment and low prices in MEC!

Treatment of astigmatism

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Astigmatism symptoms and causes

Astigmatism is a pathology of the visual system in which the eye at the same time has a few optical focuses, and none of the focuses is in the right place, as it is in people with normal vision. Astigmatism is often detected in people who suffer from hyperopia (it is called hyperopic astigmatism) or nearsightedness (so-called myopic astigmatism).

According to statistics, a light (up to 0,5 diopters) astigmatism is detected in approximately every fourth person, this anomaly of vision is called physiological astigmatism. This deviation is hardly noticeable and does not require correction. People with astigmatism more than 1 diopter for correction of visual impairment require special glasses or contact lenses.

Astigmatism is often a congenital abnormality that is inherited. Due to this, the anomaly of the visual system is not always manifested in childhood and can be detected in children of primary school age or teenagers. However, in most cases, the specialist can diagnose astigmatism and work out further tactics of treatment of the child at the age of 2 years.


In clinical practice are distinguished following degrees of astigmatism: low (up to 3 dioptres), medium (3 to 6 diopters) and high (more than 6 diopters). The magnitude of astigmatism in diopters is calculated mathematically as the difference between the largest and smallest refractive power. In addition to degree in the diagnosis is also indicated such a quantity as the axis of astigmatism (in degrees).

Astigmatism can be congenital (more common) or acquired (occurs as a result of scarring of the cornea after surgical interventions, injuries, etc.)

Causes of astigmatism

Astigmatism may develop as a consequence of congenital or acquired disorders of cornea sphericity (corneal astigmatism), in some cases, it is caused by crystalline lens shape changes (lenticular astigmatism).

Normally, the surface of crystalline lens and cornea has a perfect spherical shape. If the surface of cornea is uneven, light rays passing through it in different parts are refracted with different power, and the image on the retina is focused with deformation. The severity of image distortion on the retina is directly proportional to the degree of astigmatism.

Symptoms of astigmatism

You can detect astigmatism if having following symptoms: fatigue, blurred vision, headaches or heaviness in the brow area, worsening after prolonged reading, watching TV, craft.


Treatment of astigmatism

Unlike myopia, astigmatism is quite simple to keep under control, it is necessary to correct glasses or contact lenses as the child's eyes are growing. Hidden astigmatism has an adverse effect on vision and contributes to the appearance of amblyopia or strabismus.

Only a doctor can diagnose astigmatism according to survey data. Once this pathology is identified you would need to constantly use "complex" cylindrical glasses or special toric contact lenses for people with astigmatism. At a high degree of astigmatism glasses usually cause difficulties, you may experience dizziness, eye pain, headache. At the same time, inappropriate selection of glasses can be a reason of visual fatigue and visual impairment.

Toric contact lenses can be used as the alternative to the glasses. They allow to correct high corneal astigmatism (up to 6 dioptres), and contact lenses do not have such specific disadvantages of cylindrical glasses as optical aberrations (distortions). On the other hand, long-wearing of toric contact lenses can cause chronic oxygen starvation of corneal tissues, as well as a reversible change in its shape.

Do not forget that wearing glasses or contact lenses can only temporarily improve vision, but does not eliminate astigmatism. Astigmatism can be corrected only surgically, by laser vision correction. The restriction to this operation is age under 18, laser vision correction is recommended to perform only after the formation of the visual system. Other indications and contraindications for laser correction of astigmatism are set individually after a thorough examination.

Excimer laser correction (LASIK) is the most common method of correcting astigmatism for today, it is used to correct astigmatism of the medium degree (up to 3 dioptres). The essence of the operation is restoring the correct spherical shape of the cornea. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, the rehabilitation period after laser vision correction is minimal.

For correction of astigmatism emerged from keratoconus can be performed keratoplasty (replacement of a part of cornea with donor or synthetic transplant).

Advantages of Moscow Eye Clinic

For each patient of the Moscow Eye Clinic is available a comprehensive diagnostic examination, which allows to identify even minimal astigmatism and other visual defects. Early diagnostics of astigmatism can prevent disease progression and development of complications of the disease.

Our clinic is fully equipped with modern diagnostic facilities of the best world manufacturers. According to the survey results, our specialists will recommend the most effective treatment methods. Individual approach and attention to each patient during the entire treatment period are the hallmarks of our medical institution.

Costs of astigmatizm treatment in Moscow


The cost of treatment is calculated according to diagnostic tests, number of medical manipulations and procedures (selection of glasses or contact lenses, laser correction, course of drug therapy, etc.), which for each patient is assigned individually, based on the dynamics of disease, complications, etc. Individual approach allows to achieve maximum therapeutic effect to preserve and improve vision of the patient.
You can clarify the cost of any procedure by calling 8 (800) 777-38 81 and (499) 322-36-36, or online using the appropriate form on our site, you can also read the section "Prices".

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