Chalazion and its treatment (medicne, injection, surgery). Low costs and hight results in Moscow Eye Clinic!

Chalazion and its treatment

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ChalazionChalazion – чs a common eye disease which is basically a chronic inflammation caused by blockage in adipose (meibomian) gland of the eyelid. Chalazion translates from Greek as a knot. Indeed, a patient with chalazion feels a small rounded formation in the upper or lower eyelid. The disease is more frequently diagnosed in patients aged 20-50 years, children get are spotted less often.


Meibomian glands are located deep in the upper and lower eyelids and their excretory duct open near the lash line, near the rear edge of the eyelids. Normally, the glands produce secrete, which moisturizes and lubricates the eyelids, reduces friction on the surface of the cornea. Starting time of chalazion formation is a blockage of the duct of meibomian glands. Blockage can be caused by infection (dysbiosis, weakening of the immune system), dirty hands, not obeying rules of wearing contact lenses, increased oiliness of the skin. In some cases, chalazion is formed again on the spot of not fully cured inflammation of the eyelid (hordeolum).


Blocked meibomian gland increases in size; it is surrounded by a thick capsule. Pain feeling is minimal (if chalazion is large sized) or nonexistent. Pronounced swelling and redness of the eyelid in case of uncomplicated disease are usually absent, vision is not impaired.

When attached secondary infection the symptoms of inflammation are expressed: redness of the mucous membrane, eyelid swelling and hyperemia of the skin in area of chalazion, pain.

In some cases, chalazion opened spontaneously, but in most cases the disease is chronic. In this case, the patient requires examination by a specialist and the prescription of adequate treatment.

Especially attentive should be patients over the age of 40 years, who spotted such a formation on the eyelid. You should not postpone visiting the doctor, despite the fact that the disease does not violate the usual way of life. In older individuals, in rare cases is revealed tumor of the meibomian gland, including malignant, and symptoms in the early stages of such complicated disease do not differ from the symptoms of chalazion.

Chalazion treatment

Chalazion and its treatmentSelf-treatment of chalazion at home before the specialist examination of the affected eye and getting the final diagnosis is not recommended. It is forbidden to try to squeeze or puncture chalazion; it can have very serious negative consequences.

Depending on the duration of the disease and peculiarities of the pathological process are used conservative or surgical methods of treatment.

Drug treatment is only effective in the early stage of disease, and delay with the visit to the doctor is the best way to end up with surgical treatment of chalazion.

Fresh uncomplicated enough chalazion responds well to conservative treatment with help of anti-inflammatory eye drops and ointments (hydrocortisone, 1% yellow quicksilver). In the absence of symptoms of inflammation, the doctor may further appoint dry heat (ultrahigh-frequency therapy), massage of the eyelids. In case of accession of secondary infection any thermal procedures (compresses, warm-up) are contraindicated, because they promote the spread of inflammation to the neighboring tissues and the subsequent development limited (abscess) or diffuse (phlegmon) inflammation of the eyelid.

Another effective method of chalazion treatment is injections into its cavity of inflammatory drugs ("Kenalog", "Diprospan", etc.). The drug selected by the doctor, is injected directly into the cavity of chalazion, this leads to gradual resolution of the lesion within 1-2 weeks.

Formations of 5 mm, long-existing or likely to relapse, should be removed surgically. Surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia; the duration does not exceed 20 – 30 minutes. The specialist captures an area of the eyelid with chalazion with special fenestrated clip, and then exposes the tumor and removes it together with the capsule. If you have a fistula, it is opened and excised throughout. After applying a few stitches (if necessary) on the area of the operated eye is imposed a pressure bandage. During the week after surgery you will need to use anti-inflammatory drops or ointment.

Benefits of chalazion treatment in Moscow Eye Clinic

Our specialists are ready to provide necessary medical and diagnostic assistance seven days a week, from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Attentive approach, high-quality diagnostics using the best samples of modern equipment, as well as extensive practical experience of our specialists guarantee the achievement of high treatment results even in the most difficult cases. After the diagnosis, our specialists will tell you about its results and, if necessary, recommend possible methods of treatment.

All medical manipulations are done with sterile instruments in specially equipped operating rooms, in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, which eliminates the possibility of infection.

The removal of chalazion occurs on an outpatient basis, usually under local anesthesia. According to the testimony (age, stress resistance) can be applied other methods of anesthesia. All removed tumors must undergo histological examination to eliminate the possibility of malignancy. We take responsibility for the results of treatment; therefore our specialists provide regular survey of the patient until full recovery. Our doctors will also recommend the best ways to strengthen immune system to prevent relapse of the disease.

УChalazion surgery - costs in Moscow

Cost of chalazion removal

Cost of chalazion removal (quickly and painlessly) in Moscow Eye Clinic is only 7 500 rubles (for one eye).

You can ask our experts any questions you have by phone in Moscow: 8 (800) 777-38 81 and (499) 322-36-36 (daily from 9:00am to 9:00pm) or online by using  appropriate form on the website.

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