Treatment of farsightedness (hyperopia) - effective methods and low prices in MEC (Moscow Eye Clinic)

Treatment of farsightedness (hyperopia)

Laser correction    Phakic lenses   Removal of crystalline lens with IOL installation  Our advantages   Prices

Farsightedness (hyperopia)Modern ophthalmology offers patients with hyperopia many effective methods of correction to improve visual acuity and quality of life. The choice of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of eye structure and severity of existing pathological changes.
People with a slight hyperopia, are often prescribed correction using glasses or contact lenses. If the patient has saved the far vision, in most cases it helps to use glasses for near distance (reading glasses). In case if simultaneously with hyperopia there is a violation of the far vision, the patient can be recommended wearing bifocal glasses. As an alternative to bifocal glasses, you can consider wearing multifocal contact lenses.
Children with even mild hyperopia are prescribed constant wearing of glasses or contact lenses. To prevent progression of pathological changes, including development of amblyopia and strabismus, as well as for stabilization of visual acuity are effective preventive methods of activating visual functions (hardware treatment).
At the same time, glasses or contact lenses only provide temporary improvement of vision. The most effective methods of long-term correction of hyperopia are:

  • Laser vision correction
  • Removal of the crystalline lens with installation of an intraocular lens
  • Installation of phakic lenses

Laser vision correction

Today laser vision correction is one of the best methods to correct hyperopia, including the one accompanied by astigmatism. The point of application during the operation is the shape of the cornea. By changing the shape (and hence the refractive power) of the cornea it is possible to achieve focus of the image of the object directly on the retina.
Laser vision correction allows to correct hyperopia up to +4 diopters. Indications and contraindications to the operation are determined individually on the basis of history and results of examination of the visual system. The correction procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, provisional admission to the hospital is not needed. Laser vision correction is a quick (lasts for 15 - 30 minutes), painless and highly accurate procedure. The use of modern equipment allows to calculate the parameters of the eye after the operation and avoid errors.
Laser techniques of vision correction include multiple options of operations, which differ in technique of application and indications: LASIK, LASEK, EPI-LASIK, SUPER LASIK, etc. Which technique to choose in a particular case, decides the attending specialist taking into account individual peculiarities of the patient. More about laser vision correction>>>

Phakic lenses

The technique is recommended to patients who have contraindications to perform laser vision correction (thin cornea, high degree of hyperopia, etc.). The main condition for choosing this method for the correction of hyperopia is a healthy crystalline lens, which fully retained the ability to accommodate. During the operation through a micro-incision (length - 2,5 mm) in the anterior or (more often) the posterior chamber of the eye phakic lens is set with individual parameters. The lens is completely compatible with the eye tissues, does not require additional fixation (is fixed by itself), and if necessary can be removed. Suturing after installation of phakic lens is not required because the incision self-seals and heals completely.

Removal of the crystalline lens with intraocular lens installation

This kind of surgery is prescribed for patients with hyperopia of medium or high degree, presbyopia, as well as insufficient or excessive refractive power of the lens. Removal of the lens (lensectomy) is combined with the simultaneous installation of its artificial analogue, - intraocular lens. Lensectomy is also used for correcting the age-related farsightedness, when the accommodative abilities of the natural crystalline lens in the patient are reduced and there is opacity.
During the operation through a micro-incision an ultrasound probe is introduced, with help of which the lens is ground up and removed (ultrasonic phacoemulsification). To a remote crystalline lens location is set an intraocular lens with individually calculated parameters ensuring good eyesight. Due to the use of high-precision modern equipment the whole operation takes about 20 - 30 minutes. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, suturing is not required, since the microincision is self-sealed.  

The benefits of treating hyperopia in Moscow Eye Clinic

Farsightedness (hyperopia) treatmetnThe final selection of the most effective method for the correction of hyperopia depends on many factors and can be carried out only after a thorough diagnostic examination of vision. Moscow Eye Clinic is fully equipped with the best examples of the most modern ophthalmological equipment. Equipment of this level allows to carry out a comprehensive examination of the visual system of the patient in a shortest possible time. In case of contraindications for the application of a certain technique of vision correction our specialists will always suggest the most effective alternative methods of treatment.
The Clinic is employed with the best Russian experts, who have a great practical experience of successful treatment of pathologies of any complexity. The experience of our specialists combined with top class equipment exclude the possibility of diagnostic errors and technical errors during the operation.
Moscow Eye Clinic provides assistance seven days a week, without days-off, from 9:00am to 9:00 pm. For the convenience of patients we also have a day hospital. All operations for the correction of hyperopia are possible without hospitalization, in a one-day mode. Our specialists consult and examine the patients until full recovery.

Prises for hyperopia treatmetnt in Moscow Eye Clinic

Prices for treatment

The cost of treatment is calculated from diagnostic tests, volume of medical manipulations and procedures (selection of glasses or contact lenses, laser coagulation of the retina, the course of drug or hardware therapy, etc.), which is assigned individually for each patient, based on the dynamics of disease, presence of complications, etc. The individual approach allows achieving maximum therapeutic effect to preserve and improve vision of the patient.
You can clarify the cost of a procedure by calling 8 (800) 777-38 81 and (499) 322-36-36, or online using the appropriate form on our site, you can also read the section "Prices".

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