Femto LASIK - Laser Eye Surgery: low costs and modern equipment in The "Moscow Eye Clinic" (Russia)

Femto LASIK (Laser Eye Surgery)

Opportunities   Advantages of the method    Why we are chosen  Our prices

Femto Lasik Laser Eye Surgery in Moscow

Femto LASIK method – is the technique of the laser vision correction, with the unique characteristics, which are absent in all earlier methods of vision correction with the laser. Operations Femto LASIK are preferred by more than 80% of the leading ophthalmologists in the world, and now it is available for the patients of "Moscow Eye Clinic".

The difference Femto LASIK from all the previous methods lies in the method, which is used to form a corneal flap. If recently the corneal flap was formed by the mechanical means, by using the microkeratome, but when conducting Femto LASIK this manipulation is performed with the femtosecond laser without the dissecting of the cornea – is completely contactless.

The Contactless formation of a corneal flap in the process of implementing the intervention significantly increases the safety of laser correction, reduces the risk of the postoperative distortion of vision, including acquired corneal astigmatism. Femtosecond laser during the refractive surgery is able to simulate the thinnest corneal flap by controlling its thickness, diameter, alignment and morphology, with minimal disruption to the structure. Unlike other models, the femtosecond laser has the ability to focus at any depth in the corneal stroma with the incredible precision of a few microns, to create a layer of micro bubbles. Introducing with the help of a computer program many microbubbles of the necessary configuration in the neighborhood, the ophthalmic surgeon has an opportunity with the highest precision to create a flat of separation of the desired shape.

Formed during surgery Femto LASIK the corneal flap is equable in thickness, which eliminates the occurrence of higher-order aberrations due to inhomogeneous refraction. In addition, it allows to increase the safety of the procedure and significantly to reduce the recovery time, and most importantly, to achieve a new quality of performance clarity and contrast of vision. The possibility of using the femtosecond laser is to simulate the corneal flap with high precision to expand its use of laser vision correction. And now the ophthalmic surgeons of MEC can perform the laser correction in patients with corneal pathology, flat and thin corneas, ”dry eye syndrome” and other complex anomalies of the eye optics. In the recent past, people with the similar visual characteristics, in performing laser correction had to be refused, but now, thanks to the advent of Femto LASIK it's not necessary.

The opportunities of the Laser correction by Femto LASIK

  • Hypermetropy +6.0 D
  • Myopy up to -15.0 D (surgeon focuses on features of the patient's eye and the corneal thickness)
  • Astigmatism ± 3,0 D
  • Hypermetropic astigmatism +4 D
  • Myopic astigmatism -6.0 D

The corneal flap formation with the femtosecond laser:

The formation of the corneal flap with the femtosecond laser during a laser vision correction FEMTO Lasik is as follows:

  • With FEMTO Lasik, the laser creates the corneal flap with the quick focused laser pulses of the femtosecond duration, which create micro-tissues division. During the laser correction with the method of LASIK this stage of the procedure is performed with a metal microkeratome.
  • A beam of infrared light accurately divides the tissues at the desired depth, using the technique of "photodivision ", forming a homogeneous number of bubbles directly into the corneal layers.
  • The laser pulses are sent to the adjacent parts of the cornea and the bubbles are grouped together. The corneal flap is divided inside.
  • In the next stage, the ophthalmic surgeon divides the tissues on the formed platform. Then directly the laser correction takes place.

Method FEMTO Lasik allows to obtain a perfectly smooth surface on the division boundary of the tissue, thereby providing a very fast healing with the improving quality of vision.

Video phases of the operation


Stages of vision correction method Femto LASIK

  • Anesthetic drops (anesthesia is not used) is instilled to the patient into the eye.
  • The flap is created with Femtosecond laser from the surface layers of the corneal tissue. Unbend it and open the access of the beam laser in the deep layers of the cornea. The use of the femtosecond laser gives you the opportunity to shape the edges of the corneal flap at an acute angle, forming in the cornea the so-called groove or "lock" where the corneal flap falls into. The use of the traditional microkeratome, doesn’t form such a "lock".
  • The evaporation (ablation) of the corneal tissue is done with then help of the excimer laser. The laser beam impacting on the Central optical zone, vaporizes a portion of the cornea and forms its new surface. The diameter of the laser beam is calculated with the aberrometer, the number of pulses and their distribution over the surface of the cornea.
  • Three-dimensional Eye-tracking in the process of femtosecond laser monitors the position of the center of the pupil, fixing it’s the slightest bias and does not allow the laser to deviate from the area of calculation. Thus, hardware and software system with Iris Registration, combined with femtosecond laser that takes into the account the slight rotation of the eyeball that allows to avoid all possible errors of correction.
  • At the end of the process, the corneal flap is presented at the place and fixed with collagen — the proper substance of the cornea. The seams are not overlaped.

The advantages of the method

  • Maintaining the integrity of the corneal structure;
  • There is no need to divide the cornea while formatting of the flap, reducing the postoperative complications;
  • There is no any mechanical action, which increases the safety performance of laser correction. For example, the posibility of complications after the classic laser correction with the use of the microkeratome, is very low (1/1000), now these figures are (1/10000) and can be considered only theoretically;
  • The thickness of the corneal flap is permanent, which eliminates the risk of the acquired postoperative astigmatism, aberrations (distortion) of the higher order; • Formation of a corneal flap by means of the femtosecond laser reduces the possibility of the keratoconus in the postoperative period;
  • In the process with Femto LASIK there are not used blades or moving mechanical parts, which is 100% of laser correction;
  • The speed of the procedure: the corneal flap is formed with a maximum of 25 seconds;
  • For the corneal flap the small thickness is required that allows to perform laser correction even to the patients with the thin or flat corneas, its anomalies, and complex anomalies of the optics of the visual organ, including of high myopia;
  • The possibility to simulate the corneal flap depending on the specific parameters of the patient's eye;
  • The perfectly smooth surface on the lamination boundary of the corneal tissue, allowing to achieve a vision of a new quality with the high contrast of sensitivity;
  • Vision correction with the method of Femto LASIK makes it possible to provide a good vision even in the low light conditions (dusk, night, fog or rain);
  • The Rapid recovery visual functions, minimization of terms of the rehabilitation period;
  • The Wide operating envelope;

The Laser correction with Fento LASIK is painless, the highly effective method, restoring a good vision with the minimal risk of side effects and the shortest recovery period.

Why patients choose "MEC"

"Moscow Eye Clinic offers a comprehensive diagnosis and effective treatment of the various eye diseases. The most advanced equipment and the high professional level of the working specialists at the clinic exclude the possibility of the diagnostic error.

On the diagnostic results, each visitor is given an advice according the most effective methods of treatment of diagnosed eye conditions. Turning to "the Moscow Eye Clinic, you can be assured of the quick and accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Our clinic is equipped with the most modern equipment of the leading world manufacturers. For conducting the surgery FEMTO Lasik is used a femtosecond laser FS200 WaveLight, having the greatest rate of formation of the corneal flap. Our clinic employs the best national experts with years’ experience of the successful treatment of various eye diseases and there is all modern equipment of the leading world manufacturers for the eye diagnosis and treatment. We are ready to provide the professional ophthalmic care services seven days a week, from 9 to 21 hours.

Cost of Femto LASIK in Russia (Moscow)

Price for the correction with FEMTO-LASIK

At our clinic we follow a democratic price policy on the laser vision correction.

The cost of the operation consists of a thorough preoperative examination (5 500 RUB.) and the procedure (from 47 000 RUB for one eye).

The ophthalmologist’s control appointment and all following-up surveys are included in the price. As a patient of our clinic receives a set of droplets that are needed to be applied some time after the Femto LASIK.

If you have any question about Femto LASIK or about the Clinic, you may ask our specialists with the help of a follow-up form on our web-site or call us in Moscow at 8 (800) 777-38 81 and (499) 322-36-36 (daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) or sent e-mail on address: mgkl@mgkl.ru .

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