Leukoma - causes and treatment of the eye disease. We have the best results and low costs.

Leukoma and its treatment

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Leukoma (eye disease)

Leukoma is called a scarring clouding of the cornea, which emerges because of its injury due to trauma, inflammatory or ulcerative process.

When scarring, the cornea loses its transparency and the ability to transmit light. Corneal leukoma gives cornea porcelain-white color, blood vessels germinate into it eventually, fatty degeneration occurs, which color it in yellow shade.

Depending on the location of leukoma on the cornea and its size, it affects the quality of vision. Leukoma, located in front of the pupil, can highly reduce vision (sometimes up to blindness). A spot formed on the periphery of the cornea can not affect vision at all.

Causes of leukoma

The factors leading to the development of leukoma include:

  • Injury of the cornea (wounds, burns);
  • Ophthalmological surgeries;
  • Keratitis;
  • Congenital corneal opacity;
  • Conjunctival disease.

Types of leukoma

Species division of leukoma depend on its shape and nature of origin. Due to the shape, it is customary to distinguish follownig types of leukoma: cloud, scar, spot and so on.

By nature, leukoma can be congenital and obtained.

Congenital leukoma may occur in the embryo in utero, as a result of impact of viruses and bacterias that infect the cornea of the eye.

Obtained leukoma occurs after birth under the influence of the factors listed above and occurs many times more frequently than congenital leukoma.

Complications of leukoma

On the surface, leukoma, formed as a result of corneal ulcer or its mechanical damage, usually irregularities are observed, the cornea is often thinned. However, sometimes the cornea has spikes with an iris that cause deformation of the pupil and secondary glaucoma.

Reduced visual acuity due to leukoma may entail a number of serious complications: accommodation spasm, severe myopia, accommodative or muscle asthenopia, nystagmus, strabismus.


Leukoma is diagnosed with slit-lamp, which allows to see a spot in details, to determine its depth. Also ophthalmoscopy is held (fundus inspection with special instruments), which allows to determine the degree of leukoma transparency, check fundus reflex.


The most effective treatment for leukoma is surgery - keratoplasty. This surgery is quite complicated, during which the damaged portion of the cornea is being replaced. Either donor material can be used, or special corneal transplant. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, using local or general anesthesia.

The rehabilitation period, depending on the characteristics of the cornea can last up to a year. During this period, the patient should be seen by an ophthalmologist.

As a rule, the keratoplasty has a favorable prognosis.

Drug treatment is carried out to deal with the residual inflammation in the cornea. At the same time, the choice of drugs depends on cause of the disease. Anti-viral, anti-TB drugs can cause light illumination of leukoma, not curing it completely. Preventing of leukoma - prompt treatment of lesions and inflammation processes of the cornea.

Предупреждение возникновения бельма - это своевременное лечение повреждений, а также воспалительных процессов роговицы.

Our advantages

Moscow Eye Clinic offers a comprehensive diagnostics and effective treatment of various eye diseases. Using the most modern equipment and the high professional level of specialists working in the clinic exclude the possibility of diagnostical error.

According to the examination each visitor will be given recommendations on choosing the most effective treatment for the abnormalities of the eyes. Having come to Moscow Eye Clinic, you can be assured to get fast and accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

The highest level of theoretical training and extensive practical experience of our specialists guarantee the best results of treatment.

In our clinic works Professor Slominsky Alexey Yurievich - one of the most respected experts of the patients with different pathologies of the cornea treatment, a recognized leader in the field of transplantation through the cornea in keratoconus, the author of monographs on keratoconus. Professor Slonimsky Yuri Borisovitch - Member of the Board of the Russian Society of Ophthalmologists. Among fellow ophthalmologists Slonimsky Yuri Borisovitch is a recognized authority in the field of treatment of patients with severe corneal pathology.

Also, the surgeries are performed by the surgeon of the highest category, the chief doctor of the clinic Fomenko Natalia Ivanovna, who has successfully carried out more than 12 thousand transactions of different complexity.

Leukoma cost of treatment

Prices for treatment of leukoma

The cost of leukoma treatment Moscow Eye Clinic is calculated individually and depends on the amount of the therapeutic and diagnostical procedures. You can clarify the value of a procedure by calling 8 (800) 777-38 81 and (499) 322-36-36 or online using the appropriate form on our site, you can also read the section "Prices".

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